What You See Is How They Get You


In Rogue Trader, back when the game barely existed, I remember that GW advised beginning players to use coins to represent their figures until such time as they could make the army.  




A penny for a marine with a bolter.  A dime for a marine with a plasma gun.  A quarter for the guy with the power fist.  Now, the tables are rife with people who complain that your miniature isn't carrying an Auspex.  Give me a frickin' break.


I propose a different system.  My game group and I use it every game and it works perfectly.  Here it is:  YAAITY.  That stands for "You ask and I'll tell you."  It's a great system, someone says, "hey, what does that guy have?"  and you say, "he has a plasma gun."  But what if the miniature doesn't have a plasma gun?  It's okay, no one's going to tell GW on you.  If you play this way, then relatively close miniatures can be used and you no longer have to buy a miniature that fits every occasion.


Now, this is full disclosure.  If they want to see your print out from army builder, you have to show it to them.  You don't have to highlight it, but if they ask who the most dangerous guy is in a squad, you have to say, "this guy/"  I know that this goes against many of your general philosophies, but it stream lines the game and it makes the game cost about half as much when you don't have to buy four terminators with assault cannons and can just say, "the guys with the painted heads have assault cannons."









Special Thanks to Hirst Arts for the molds and Grsites.com for all the web art


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This page last updated: Thursday January 17, 2008